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  • Reel Lawnmowers

    Although the reel mowers are nothing new, the technology that runs them are and are great for smaller lawns or lawns with straight long runs.

    Make eco-friendly lawn mowing enjoyable with the Fiskars StaySharp™ Max Reel Lawn Mower that’s 60% easier to push than other reel mowers

    InertiaDrive reel is designed for all grass types, delivering twice the cutting power to glide through tough spots

    StaySharp cutting system cuts without unwanted contact, greatly reducing wear for long-lasting performance without costly annual blade sharpening

    If you ever thought a reel mower wasn't for you, rethink and revisit the idea. Not only for your own health but the health of your lawn and the environment.

    .In Canada available at Canadian Tire for $299.