Resiliency and Adaptation
People Power
People Power is intended to be a resident-led process to shape emergency response plans by individual neighbourhoods in London. The process will empower residents to understand, prepare for, and respond to extreme weather events in a way that reflects the needs and strengths of their communities.
An asset-based approach to understanding what strengths and resources exist in the community and the challenges residents face. Climate hazards will be part of the discussion but will not necessarily frame the discussion at the start, leaving space for residents to identify the way forward.
See tips from the City of London on what to include in emergency preparedness kits
Building Community Food Security. Read the full report.
Urban Agriculture as Climate Action: How growing food in London can address the climate emergency
Urban agriculture simply means growing food in cities, in both indoor and outdoor environments. It is being practiced by a growing number of people worldwide who not only supplement their regular diet with the food they grow, but also improve the food security of many others, create jobs, and rebuild connections with people and nature.
The primary co-benefit has been the strengthening of community cohesion.
The second main co-benefit of urban agriculture has been the increase in environmental action.
The third co-benefit of urban agriculture in Kensington Village has been the expansion of a culture of sharing.
Find out what other cities are doing:
Edmonton’s Neighbouring for Climate toolkit includes:
Vancouver’s program is built on the knowledge that during crises, people go to the places and people they trust to meet their needs.
The Resilient Neighbourhoods Program supports over 15 community-based organizations across Vancouver to:
Amplify and align current resilience-building initiatives on a community and neighbourhood level.
Support neighbourhoods to examine and reduce chronic issues.
Build neighbourhood capacity to collectively prepare for, respond to, and recover from extreme heat and other emergencies.
Check out their Resilient Neighbourhoods Toolkit
View a summary of their Community-led work to address extreme heat (2022)
An example of what other communities are doing:
Christian Sawyer: “The Great Simplification in Action: Building Resilience Through Local Communities”
Nate is joined by local organizer and activist Christian Sawyer, to discuss how he’s built a pro-social community in rural Arizona. Christian emphasizes the power of local collaboration and demonstrates how the cultivation of social capital builds resilience in the face of challenges, as well as creates better lives for those who live in the community. Together, Nate and Christian explore the dynamics of community work parties, the skills learned through cooperation, and the significance of trust and friendship in building a supportive network.
What do aspects of The Great Simplification look like in action? What are the most common challenges faced in group settings, and what lessons can it teach about the values of love, wisdom, and art in fostering meaningful connections? How can anyone, anywhere start creating local initiatives and engaging with ecological awareness? When fostering community, why should we emphasize empowering individuals in order to solve local problems and advocate towards the protection of our most important resources?
An interview By Nate Hagens, originally published by The Great Simplification. Shared by on December 23, 2024