Youth Take Climate Action To The Next Level
Whether you are in elementary, middle, high school, and even university, the impact a youth can make in their community is enormous. By raising your voices, educating yourself and others, and carrying out environmental acts, allows others see that this world matters for you - the next generation.
Learn about the environmental work opportunities in London
Gain experience and skills while also helping the environment
Join An Organization
Be apart of a larger effort and show your support
Become An Eco School
An Eco-school is a certification that your school receives that holds your school accountable for environmental actions.
By leading your school to keep up to date with environmental stewardship, you hold all staff and students to a higher standard of action.
Plant Trees Together
Tree planting Is not only a great way to beautify your school’s space, but it also motivates and connects people with nature and its meaning.
By getting your school involved in tree planting activities, you help create a stronger school community and green vision for all.
Create A School Garden
Much like tree planting, creating a school garden allows students to take responsibility for the health of their school, themselves and nature, increasing collective environmental awareness. School gardens also help students learn about teamwork, nutrition, science and art.
Create A School Greenhouse
Much like a school garden, a school greenhouse is a long lasting project that will take the commitment and effort of all members. This is a great way to prolong environmental stewardship and action in schools, as well as a great team building activity.
Host Eco-Month
Having an “Eco-day” is not enough. It takes time for big change to happen. Encourage your school to continue environmental education for at least one month. Focus on environmental issues that mean the most to you and your school community. Develop eco-clubs, host assemblies, screen environmental films, and promote recycling and composting.
Create An Eco-Club
Eco-clubs are important for every school to have because they raise collective awareness and effort on environmental issues.
Remember that any club is not linear - there is no right or wrong. By creating a safe space for youth and staff to share their ideas, each member will feel a sense of ownership over the group, where your collective efforts will shine. -
Encourage Composting
Many schools in the London Area don’t have a proper composting program. Learn about the benefits of composting and how to develop the compost program in your school.
Encourage Recycling
Many schools in the London area don’t have a proper recycling program. Learn about the benefits of recycling and how to develop the recycling program in your school.
Limit Garbage Use
Remembering where all pieces of litter must be placed can be confusing. Here is a list of what exactly can and should be placed into a garbage can at school.
Gain Credits and Become A Leader!
By engaging the latent powers and talents within yourself, you will become better equipped to carry out your climate action goals and help others in your school and community do the same.
Environmental Leaders' Project
You can earn your school credits while also immersing yourself in environmental education, stewardship and leadership.
For current Grade 9 students with a passion for learning about leadership within an outdoor setting, the TVDSB offers a multi-credit program that runs in the second semester of their Grade 10 school year.
TVDSB W.I.L.D. program
The Wilderness-Based Interdisciplinary Leadership Development (WILD) Program is an outdoor and experiential learning opportunity, centering around a seven-day canoe trip in Quetico Provincial Park.
Partake in a variety of in-class and online learning, and apply learnings to leadership and planning.

Raise Your Voice!
Voice your opinions and ideas online and in person - TAKE PART IN ADVOCACY EFFORTS
Whether connecting locally with only a few, or joining global campaigns, the use of social media is one of the keys to raising everyone’s environmental awareness. It is through learning that we become motivated to act. By using these tools we all become smarter, and therefore act smarter. We are able to learn and track facts, data and global events - but more importantly, uplift others to do the same.