Stop Sprawl London
No Urban Growth Boundary expansion
No to low density sprawl because I care about…
We need London to develop and vote on a zero-boundary expansion plan
London’s population is expected to grow 43% over the period from 2021 to 2051. That is almost an additional 186,000 individuals. We need a plan that is financially and environmentally sustainable. A London that is designed for everyone to flourish.
We can have job and economic growth without urban sprawl or boundary expansion. It isn’t just saying ‘No’ to urban sprawl. It is saying ‘Yes’ to Complete, Compact, Connected, Resilient, Sustainable Neighbourhoods. Visit our What Is Possible page for more details.
Time lapse map of London
Zoom in and click play to watch farmland be consumed by an expanding London. We have the knowledge and power to stop urban sprawl.