Seedy Saturday

As a member of the London Environmental Network, Climate Action London helped to staff the booth at the 2020 Seedy Saturday in London. We purchased 3 different composters from one of the city’s Enviro Depots to talk to people at the show about composting. We ended up selling each of the composters at the show for cost and had some wonderful conversations.

Did you know the Enviro Depots offer some new composter designs like a rolling composter and this anaerobic digestor - your choice for $35 each.

Video from mediaonefilms

London Master Gardeners

London Middlesex Master Gardeners were chosen in 1985 as one of the pilot programs for Ontario Master Gardeners. London Middlesex Master Gardeners continue to strengthen our message and education through the media.

Our goal is to promote natural heritage and present accurate and unbiased gardening advice to the public, while pairing with non-profit organizations to continue plant sales and events.